Bio-One of Johnstown decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Helping The Community

When you choose somewhere you to live, you don't just look at the house you want to buy. You look at the community, the people, the resoures, and systems in place. Our communities are the people we live around. They are the libraries, recreation centers, and schools. A community provides us with things to do, food for our families, and protection when we need it. There are a million ways to make a difference in your community and even more reasons why you should. Supporting each other is what keeps your community going. 

Here's a small list of ways you can make a difference: 

1. Volunteer at a local animal shelter

2. Leave the car at home and take a walk instead

3. Check in on your neighbors and be someone's reason to smile that day

4. Become a volunteer reader for children here

5. Donate your used items to a local charity

6. Take your pet to a local hospital to cheer people up with Pet Partners

7. Play your musical instrument at a coffee shop

8. Join the Nextdoor App and become connected with your neighboorhood from block parties to crime watch.

9. Help out parents and organize a carpool here

10. Join a nonprofit and make your mark on the world 

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!