Bio-One of Johnstown decontamination and biohazard cleaning services


Bio-One of Johnstown works together with victims

Bio-One works with victim support centers nationwide

When you don’t know where to turn for support, you can contact the following organizations which serve families and friends affected by traumatic death.

The Healing Patch Children's Grief Program is a peer support program designed specifically for children and their families who have suffered the death of a significant person, such as a parent, sibling, grandparent, or close family member.

Whether you have struggled with suicide yourself or have lost a loved one, know you are not alone. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has collected real stories from people in whose lives have been impacted by suicide.

The American Association of Suicidology offers a national directory for support groups for both attempt and loss survivors of suicide.

The SAVE organization (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) has a variety of help guides including restricting access to lethal meanswarning signs of suicide, and suicide prevention.

Suicide loss survivors share a singular bond. Although each of our situations is unique, we tend to experience similar feelings, questions, and stages of grief. Support groups provide a good opportunity to meet others who understand and can result in deep friendships.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community have unique and complex health needs that heterosexuals don’t face. Health disparities and barriers to care can make staying healthy challenging, but knowing LGBTQ+ health risks can ensure you stay on top of your health. Local and national resources can help you prevent or treat these health conditions with the right medical testing, care and support.

The mission of the National Center for Victims of Crime is to forge a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. We are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime.
+1 202 467 8700

The resources and information on this page are designed to help states, territories, tribes, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, and others looking for information on understanding the background, history, funding opportunities, and implementation resources for strengthening suicide prevention and mental health crisis services.

If you or your loved one is a victim of crime, our site has resources to help you.